Going to college is a decision many students make as an effort to land the best possible job following graduation. Over the course of four years, students hone in on their skills in hopes that they will pay off. Unfortunately, many students don't take advantage of starting their career planning while still in school and thus get thrown out to the sharks unprepared and unsure after graduation. So what can college students start doing now to ensure they are ready to begin a career after graduation?

When you look for a job after college, you want to be prepared. Not only that, but you also want to know exactly what you want in a job situation. You have a degree now, so in some respects, you can call the shots. Sure, you don't want to be demanding, but you want to have the mindset that you are the desired one. It's a mutual situation, but if you take the upper hand, you can actually get more - for your time, salary and talent. However, there are also a number of things you will need to do before you land a job. The idea is to get yourself out there and boost your appearance so that you look job-ready. Here are four things every college grad needs to do to land their first job.

If you live in a stormy area, a backup home generator is a great thing to have. Thanks to the latest in Generator Interlock Technologies, homeowners are able to wait out the storm in total comfort and safety no matter how long the bad weather lasts. However, before you decide to purchase your own backup generator, it’s important to know a few things about how a generator works, and how you can use it to safely ride out the storm without endangering yourself or your family. While many generators can be used no matter what, it’s always a good idea to do your research and invest in a model that’s safe and simple to use in any type of weather. Before you purchase your system, here are a few things to think about to help you stay as comfortable and safe as possible during a potentially long storm season.