The beautiful County of Kent has long ago earned its nickname of being known as “The Garden of England” with its plethora of bountiful Orchards, Vineyards and Allotments that create a tapestry of colour throughout the land. With its sheer abundance of beauty, close proximity to London and being the closest County to Continental Europe, Kent is one of the most popular places to hold a Wedding Ceremony.  With stunning locations and Venues to choose from including a prestigious Barn Wedding Venue Kent, the County provides not just the scenery but the atmosphere also. The Spectacular backdrop and location of this unique Wedding Venue enables it to be personalised to your Big Day.

Our still relatively recent ability to fly is an interesting phenomenon. We are able to travel through the air faster than ever before, and we do so while defying both our human instincts and the laws of gravity. We have all travelled by plane at least one time, and accept that it works and gets us to our destination. Behind the scenes there's a lot going on.

Although we have a lot to love and look forward to in the summer, something that is less pleasant at this time of the year is the appearance of the flies! As the weather warms up, many of these pesky critters come out – here is a guide to some of the commonly seen flies in the UK…