31 Jan How tech is helping to deliver better sexual health services
As Britain’s health industry becomes increasingly digital, sexual health is also getting a boost through new apps and digital resources.
Research shows that 75% of 11 to 16 year-olds in Britain have a smartphone, and the figure is growing. Similar figures exist for laptop ownership in the 5-16 age group and now nearly 60% are allowed to go online in their bedroom.
This means that sexual health charities, primary care trusts and local authorities are investing in apps, text messages and social media services that offer young people the information and advice that they need to maintain their sexual health, such as providing home STI kits Bexley wide.
Rapid answers, confidential access
Sex education chiefs have welcomed the move, saying that it’s clear from their interaction with young people that they want to engage via digital services. Text messages are one very important area, with answers to questions or test results available in just a few minutes.
Local authorities are using their own, similar systems, such as the one used by Brook for instant text answers. Online query websites are also very important, with some supplying unique codes that users can add to get private updates and answers. This means that the system can stay confidential and that the user doesn’t need to provide an email address.
Similar models across the world
In the USA, sexual health charities are using online chat services, with live chat facilities also available across many services via a mobile phone. This allows them to potentially reach millions of young people and to help them to make better decisions.
Similar systems are seen with home STI kits Bexley and across London. Users can request their STI kits Bexley wide from a confidential website, do the test in the privacy of their own home and then receive a confidential text message or link to a private website to get their results.
Similar studies across the world are showing that access to sexual health information via mobile tech is hugely important in engaging young people, especially where physical clinics may not be close to hand or easy to access, and with digital services such as home STI kits, live chat and interactive sexual health advice online coming to the fore, it looks like the trend is only set to grow.
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