4 Effective Ways To Publicize Your Business

You’re getting your business off the ground, you have a great website, and you’re ready for customers. How to get the word out? There are so many channels and platforms to choose from; it can seem daunting to know how to begin. Publicity for a new business is often a matter of trial and error, but the best thing to do is to start with a combination of traditional and digital strategies. Here are a few.

1. Commercials

Commercials aren’t just for TV and radio anymore. They’re also an integral part of streaming music platforms like Pandora and Spotify; not everyone utilizes the paid option. A well-placed spot can make a big impact. Quality vocal talent is essential. Not sure where to find that perfect voice? Try a search using terms such as experienced voice over talent to find helpful resources.

2. Lifestyle Magazines

If you’re a business that mostly serves local customers, check out the ad rates for hyperlocal newspapers and lifestyle magazines/blogs. Often, they come out in both paper and digital versions. Patch.com is a widely-read digital platform for local news.

3. Social Media

Find out about the social media channels your ideal customers are on and set up an account. Check out the accounts for similar businesses that you admire, and get ideas for high-quality content. Post often, and engage your followers regularly.

4. Print Media

Flyers, postcards, high-quality posters, and traditional newspaper ads are all effective ways to advertise. What you choose will depend on the type of business you own and the market you’re going after. This is another case where it’s wise to check out competitors to see what works and what doesn’t.

Publicizing your business involves connecting the right content with the right platform to serve the right customers. Consider these strategies as you make your plan.

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