A Beginner’s Guide to Knitting

If you are looking for a new hobby to pass the time and help you relax, then knitting could be the perfect hobby for you. Knitting is a hobby that is enjoyed by all people of all ages. In this article we will give you a beginner’s guide so you can get started knitting.

Before you get started knitting, you will first need some basic kit. This kit includes knitting needles, yarn, and a pair of sharp scissors. It is recommended that you start with a medium weight yarn and a size 8 pair of knitting needles, as these are much easier to work with and can help you get a better understanding of the basics. If you want to purchase a knitting kit, you can get one from a company such as www.woolcouturecompany.com/collections/knitting-kits

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The first step when knitting is to cast on. This means to create your first row of stitches on your needle. There are many ways to cast on that more experienced people will use, but the best method for beginners is to use the “long-tail cast on ”. Once you have cast on, you are then ready to start knitting.

When you first start knitting, you will want to stick to basic items, such as scarves or blankets. These are easier to knit as they do not require joining multiple pieces of your knitwork together. By working on these basic items, it will give you a good opportunity to make sure you are stitching straight and even. Once you have the basic technique for knitting down, you can then move on to more advanced projects.

Some advanced knitting you may want to move onto would include, lace knitting, cable knitting and colour work. Implementing these techniques into your knitting will allow you to make more intricate designs and more professional looking items.

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You want to consider knitting clothing for either yourself or family and friends. You can knit cardigans, jumpers, hats and even socks. These items can take a lot more time to knit, but are worth it, as you can give them as personalised gifts.

In conclusion, knitting is a great and relaxing hobby that can be enjoyed by anyone. All it takes is some basic kit and a lot of patience to perfect the technique. So, if this sounds like something you will enjoy, you should get yourself some knitting needles and yarn and start your knitting journey.

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