How craft clubs can bring communities together

If the covid-19 pandemic taught us anything, it is the power of community. As many of us were forced to stay at home for the first time in living memory, communities up and down the country rallied to look out for one another, find alternate ways to build social connections, and create a sense of shared experience. Many also used the time to discover new hobbies, such as baking, painting, and crafting. In doing so, new hobbyists discovered that craft clubs are a fantastic way to learn new skills and build connections with their local communities.

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Crafting is good for communities and health

Joining a craft club can ease loneliness and provide a great way to make new like-minded friends in a relaxed setting. Craft clubs can provide a way to build social confidence and act as an outlet for emotion through creativity in a safe and welcoming setting for both children and adults.

Many crafters also promote the benefits of crafting for mental health and development, as making things with our hands in a recreational setting is good for both our brains and cognitive health. The benefits of craft clubs are now widely recognised by healthcare providers, with the so-called ‘social prescribing’ of activities becoming more common.

Craft clubs can teach the skills that crafters need to create beautiful wares. Many crafters go on to sell their creations at markets, in the community, and on well-known websites. Serious crafters can even go on to make a living, with the crafting industry estimated to employ 10,000 people in the UK.

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How to get involved

Starting a new hobby can be daunting, but crafting starter kits have made it easier than ever. Kits, such as macramé and crochet kits from specialists such as, contain everything crafters need to get started and often include simple instructions to get you on your way.

If you are ready to take the leap into the crafting community right away, why not find your nearest craft club today? You could make new friends, learn new skills, and make some beautiful crafts.

Vincent Gross
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