Three groundwater remediation approaches

If you have contaminated water on or under your land, don’t worry. Tried and tested solutions exist that will solve your contamination problems. Here are three common methods of managing the decontamination process. You are likely to need expert advice to find the method most suitable for you.

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Extract and dispose

This method involves finding a way to get to the water, either using a sump or by drilling a borehole. The water is then pumped out into storage tanks or tankers. The water is then taken away to a processing plant who will extract the clean water and dispose of the pollutants safely.

In-situ treatment

In some cases, ground water can be decontaminated on site, with minimal disruption. If your pollutants are a type of fuel, such as kerosene, petrol or diesel, this might be the best approach for you. Chemical oxidants, air, or nutrients can be added to the contaminated water. The pollutants can break down faster and escape to the atmosphere, or get eaten by bacteria. Expert land remediation services and advice can be found to provide advice on whether these techniques are appropriate for you.

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Pump and treat

One of the most common land remediation services to decontaminate groundwater is a technique known as ‘pump and treat’. This basically involves pumping the water into tanks, treating and decontaminating it, then releasing it back into the soil, or into drains. Reverse osmosis or carbon filters can be used, depending on the type of pollution, budget, and time constraints. Pump and treat systems tend to be in place for weeks or even months at a time.

What is land remediation?

Land remediation is the process of bringing land back into safe use, including removing contaminants and pollution. Defra, the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, is the UK Government department most involved, and has published research on land remediation –
For another answer to what is land remediation?, this company can help

If you are concerned about contaminated water on your land, there’s no need to panic. A range of expert solutions exist to solve your particular problems, allowing your land to be used safely for generations to come. Expert advice is readily available to guide you in the right direction and give you an idea of timescales and costs.

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