What’s that green stuff on my roof?

On your roof, you can find algae, moss and even lichens. They can all cause harm to your roof differently. Many homeowners assume that all growth on a roof is the same, there are actually subtle differences.

Why is it growing on my roof?

Moisture and organic debris are the two main factors that cause these organisms to thrive on a roof. The greater the amount of water and debris on your roof, the higher the chances that moss will grow. The shade over your roof is another important factor. The shade on your roof will prevent moisture from evaporating, which is ideal for moss growth.

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While moss is easily visible, roof moss can grow for a long time without being noticed. Moisture can get under your roof shingles, allowing moss growth out of sunlight. This is why evaluating your roof requires a closer inspection than just looking up.

Moss can damage shingles

Moss can damage your shingles three ways. Moss can strip the protective coating from your shingles. This leaves them vulnerable to sun damage and erosion. Your shingles might crack and warp in the sunlight if you don’t protect them. For Roof Cleaning Stroud, contact https://www.gloucestershireexteriorcleaning.co.uk/roof-cleaning/stroud/

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Moss is water-absorbent. When it rains, moss absorbs more moisture, moving further across your shingles and eating away this protective outer layer. This moisture accumulation can ruin your roof shingles if ignored.

Lastly, moss will spread underneath the shingles, allowing moisture to enter your home’s interior. Moisture can cause wood rot when it accumulates inside your home. The worst-case scenario is that it could lead to more expensive and extensive repairs.

Vincent Gross
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